Xls to Ppt Converter is a conversion software tool developed by Okdo Software and designed for the specific purpose of converting Microsoft Excel files into Microsoft PowerPoint slideshows. This program allows you to add several source files and convert them all in one single operation - thus, you can save a lot of time when converting a large number of files.
The trial version of the program, nevertheless, presents several limitations. For example, it converts only parts of the source Excel files, it does not support batch conversion, and it does not offer you any technical support. Besides that, it shows an annoying registration window every time you run or close the program, and it requires you to have your target version of Microsoft Office already installed on your system to work properly.
The program interface, however, is very nice and easy to use. It offers a grid where all the Excel files you add for conversion are listed. There are also buttons to move a specific book upwards, downwards, to the first or the last place, to select all the items, to add single files or entire folders, and to remove a specific item or all of them. Furthermore, you are allowed to choose the destination folder, and select whether you would like to save the resulting PowerPoint files into the same folder as the source files or not, and if that destination folder must be open when the conversion has finished. There is also an area intended to choose the target format; however, the only one available appears to be Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003. more